The Mobility Awards is organized by the Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities (ICSC), MNL Moves, Climate Reality Project-Philippines, 350.Org Pilipinas, and Pinay Bike Commuter to improve conditions for Filipinos who use bicycles as their mode of transport.
The Mobility Awards was driven by a simple goal: the prioritization of the needs of 88% of Filipino households in Metro Manila that do not own private cars (JICA-MUCEP, 2015). According to Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), over 80% of road spaces are dedicated for the use of private cars despite only 12% of Filipino households being car owners. This is not only happening in Metro Manila, but everywhere else in the Philippines where the conditions for cyclists and pedestrians remain challenging.
In the recent Social Weather Stations survey commissioned by the Department of Health (DOH), 87% of Filipinos want bicycles, pedestrians, and public transportation to be prioritized over private vehicles. More than half of the respondents believe that their city or town can become a great place for walking and cycling. Similarly, a recent survey from DOLE and the Institute for Labor Studies (ILS) revealed that the majority of Filipinos share a common desire for the creation and betterment of the bike paths and facilities. These are the aspirations of the Filipino majority. The majority who are not car owners.
A mobility revolution is well underway, led by common folks determined to provide for their families while protecting their health. Now more than ever, cycling and the prioritization of pedestrian needs are gaining national prominence as safe, empowering, cost-effective, practical, democratic and efficient transport modes due to limitations brought by this pandemic. However, we are still a long way from making the conditions optimal for every Filipino commuter.